the old school way

Sunday, July 16, 2006

The siren call of simplicity

To anyone who cares,

I'm starting this blog with every intention of journaling my transformation from web geek into old-school, self-sufficeint provider/farmer/homemaker. That's a rather grandiose introduction, so let me explain:

Right now, I'm a 27-year-old male who gets paid very well for working on a video website ( Although I consider myself lucky to have such a great job and to be paid well for doing something that I consider fun, my life is not complete. All too often I hear of people in technology professions retiring to a few acres, building their own home and living out the rest of their days in self-sufficeint, hippi-esque bliss. This siren call of simplicity has captured yet another restless soul: me.

I'm not sure when I'll be able to "retire" to work full time on building my house. Hopefully it'll be in the next few years. I do have one thing already done: I've bought the land. I own 20 acres of mountain-side property in lovely Spokane, WA (which for some reason everyone has a low opinion of, but I can't for the life of me understand why). The land is about halfway up Mt. Spokane.

I have a TON of challenges ahead of me, all of which I'll be spelling out in subsequent posts. Some of the things I'll be covering: why I'm doing this, how I plan to solve each of these challeneges, and where I fail and succeed. Hopefully someone else trying to achieve similar goals as mine will glean some useful info from this blog.

Just a rough outline of some of the things I HOPE to accomplish

  • growing 90% of my own organic food through french intensive gardening
  • building a geodesic dome from a kit
  • building an attached geodesic dome greenhouse (also from a kit)
  • installing radiant floor heating
  • crafting a greywater recycling system
  • installing a wind turbine for electric power generation
  • possibly installing supplemental solar power
  • raising a goat or two and making handcrafted cheeses from the milk
  • making pasta sauces and/or salsas from garden vegetables and selling them at farmers markets
  • maintain the wife's happiness factor

That's enough for now. In the next post I'll try to explain why I'm doing all this and a few of the things I'm doing to prepare for the big shift.


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